1. The Bible is the Word of God inspired and without error in its original manuscripts. It is our only source of authority in matters of faith, conduct, and truth.
2. There is one eternal God, personal and knowable who is in Himself three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. He is worthy of our worship, confidence and obedience.
3. Jesus is the eternal, pre-existent Son of God. He willingly took on the body of a man, was virgin-born, became our sinless substitute, and shed His blood on the cross to completely pay for the atonement of our sins. We believe He died, was buried, resurrected in a literal body, ascended into Heaven, and is presently our advocate and only High Priest. We also believe that Jesus will return to establish His Kingdom.
4. The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to convict the lost, seal the believer and place him or her in the Body of Christ. The fruit of the Holy Spirit in one’s life is love. We believe in the baptism with the Holy Spirit at the time of conversion, but we do not believe that any special gift is a necessary evidence of salvation or of being filled with the Spirit.
5. Every person is born with a sinful nature, is spiritually dead and cannot please God until Christ gives him life. We believe salvation from sin, death, and hell is by God’s grace. It must be received by faith apart from any human performance or merit. It is a free gift of God to one who personally places his confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ and His finished work on the Cross. We believe a truly born again person is secure in Christ.
6. That all believers should assemble in local churches for mutual edification, encouragement, evangelism, service, and worship. Within our fellowship, as an act of obedience to the Word of God, we share our love of Christ through participation in the signs of the New Covenant: The Lord’s Supper and Baptism by immersion in water.