Call to Worship - Beth Vinyard
Song - Such an Awesome God
Proclamation of the Gospel - Stan Johnson
Song - My Jesus I Love Thee
Song - Praise to the Lord (Joyful, Joyful)
Prayer of Thanksgiving/Offering -  Owen Vinyard
Song - He will Hold me Fast
Sermon - Daniel Vinyard
Lord's Supper - Daniel Vinyard
Lord's Supper Song - There is a Fountain  
Response Song - Great is Thy Faithfulness
Prayer Of Supplication - Daniel Vinyard
Sending/Blessing - Patrick Strahan

Sermon Information
Title: Service
Scripture Reference: 1 Corinthians 12:1-14:1
Speaker: Daniel Vinyard 
If you'd like to join for a fun night of pottery painting register below! See Taylor Reitz for more information. 
If you'd like to volunteer in the sound booth on Sundays please see Calmer for more information!
It is time for Operation Christmas Child. If you wish to pack a box, you can find them in the foyer of the fellowship hall with labels already inside. Boxes are due back by Sunday, November 12th. Shipping cost is $10 per box, so if you are covering your own box or wanting to help ship other boxes, they ask that all donations be made via their website.
Join us for our Ladies Christmas Tea and help us celebrate Baby Stockton! See Tara for more information!
Week 44. Week 45.


We appreciate your continued giving. There are 3 ways that you can give:
In person on Sundays, you can place your offering in the basket as its passed to you.
By mail: P.O. Box 1338 Hammond, LA 70404
Give online to the general or building fund.


October Budgeted: $36,250
October Giving Received: $39,536.30
Annual Budget: $435,000.00
September YTD Budget: $362,500.00
Gifts Received YTD: $347,908.01 





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