
Call to Worship - Brittany Palmer
Song - All Sufficient Merit
Proclamation of the Gospel - Rhonda Frederick
Song - Once For All
Song - Hymn of Heaven
Prayer of Thanksgiving/Offering - Will Frederick
Song - Because He Lives
Sermon - Asah Hudgins
Lord’s Supper - Asah Hudgins
Lord’s Supper Song - In Christ Alone
Song of Celebration - Victory In Jesus
Prayer Of Supplication - Daniel Vinyard
Sending/Blessing - Patrick Strahan
Sermon Information
Title: The Alter
Scripture Reference: Ezekiel 43:13-27
Speaker: Asah Hudgins 
VBS is right around corner and we are so excited to welcome students in our church. If you are interested in volunteering/serving in any capacity, contact Shelly Dehner. 
We are continuing our donations for the Annie Armstrong Offering this week. Our church goal is $4,000.
The Youth Fiesta Fundraiser and Silent Auction will be on April 28 directly after church. If you would like to donate something to auction there is a link below. Additionally, there is a link for youth parents to provide food.
For more information see Becky Seale.
Week 13. Week 14.


We appreciate your continued giving. There are 3 ways that you can give:
In person on Sundays, you can place your offering in the basket as its passed to you.
By mail: P.O. Box 1338 Hammond, LA 70404
Give online to the general or building fund.


March Budget: $34,166.67
March Giving Received: $35,904.09
Annual Budget: $410,000.00
March YTD Budget: $102,500.01
Gifts Received YTD: $94,666.79
Annie Armstrong Giving Received: $1523.46





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