SUNDAY, March 24
Call to Worship - Ben Chouest
Song - The Cup Was Not Removed
Proclamation of the Gospel - Tabbi Hooper
Song - Praise the King
Song - O Praise the Name
Prayer of Thanksgiving/Offering - Kale Hooper
Song - It Is Well with My Soul
Sermon - Asah Hudgins
Response Song - He Will Hold Me Fast
Prayer Of Supplication - Daniel Vinyard
Sending/Blessing - Patrick Strahan
Call to Worship - Ben Chouest
Song - The Cup Was Not Removed
Proclamation of the Gospel - Tabbi Hooper
Song - Praise the King
Song - O Praise the Name
Prayer of Thanksgiving/Offering - Kale Hooper
Song - It Is Well with My Soul
Sermon - Asah Hudgins
Response Song - He Will Hold Me Fast
Prayer Of Supplication - Daniel Vinyard
Sending/Blessing - Patrick Strahan

Sermon Information
Title: The Expanding Place of God's Presence
Scripture Reference: Ezekiel 40:1-43:11
Speaker: Asah Hudgins
Title: The Expanding Place of God's Presence
Scripture Reference: Ezekiel 40:1-43:11
Speaker: Asah Hudgins

This week is VBS Volunteer Recruiting Week. There will be a short meeting following Sunday service on March 24th for anybody that is interested in volunteering. For any additional information, contact Shelly Dehner.

Join us for a night of prayer on Sunday, March 24th from 5:00-6:00 pm at Crossroads Church. For any additional information, you can contact Lisa Martinez.

The church will be providing free lunch at the BCM on March 25th from 10:00 am-2:00 pm. If you would like to volunteer, sign up in the link below. See Brad Jackson for any additional information.

Join us at Crossroads on March 29th for church work day. We will be carpet cleaning, gardening, etc.

We are continuing our donations for the Annie Armstrong Offering this week. Our church goal is $4,000.

Week 12. Week 13.
We appreciate your continued giving. There are 3 ways that you can give:
In person on Sundays, you can place your offering in the basket as its passed to you.
By mail: P.O. Box 1338 Hammond, LA 70404
Give online to the general or building fund.
In person on Sundays, you can place your offering in the basket as its passed to you.
By mail: P.O. Box 1338 Hammond, LA 70404
Give online to the general or building fund.
March Budget: $34,166.67
March Giving Received: $32,424.09
Annual Budget: $410,000.00
March YTD Budget: $102,500.01
Gifts Received YTD: $91,186.79
Annie Armstrong Giving Received: $1403.46
March Giving Received: $32,424.09
Annual Budget: $410,000.00
March YTD Budget: $102,500.01
Gifts Received YTD: $91,186.79
Annie Armstrong Giving Received: $1403.46
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