SUNDAY, September 29

Call to Worship - Maggie Chouest
Song -  More Prescious Than Gold
Proclamation of the Gospel - Matt VanAmburg
Song - Cornerstone
Song - Behold The Lamb
Prayer of Thanksgiving/Offering - Michelle Aymond
Song - One Day (When We All Get to Heaven)
Sermon - Asah Hudgins
Response Song - My Jesus I Love Thee
Prayer Of Supplication - Daniel Vinyard
Sending/Blessing - Patrick Strahan
Sermon Information
Title: Joy To The World
Scripture Reference: Psalm 69
Speaker: Asah Hudgins
Our Georgia Barnette offering will continue until the end of September. 
There will be a women's clothing swap on October 26! See Michelle Aymond for more information. Please sign up using the link below.
Our Fall Community Night will be on October 27th at 5pm. Click the links below for food sign up and event sign up. 
Week 39. Week 40.


We appreciate your continued giving. There are 3 ways that you can give:
In person on Sundays, you can place your offering in the basket as its passed to you.
By mail: P.O. Box 1338 Hammond, LA 70404
Give online to the general or building fund.


September Budget: $34,166.67
September Giving Received: $25,157.09
Annual Budget $410,000.00
September YTD Budget: $307,500.03
Gifts Received YTD:  $304,696.96
Building Gifts Received YTD:  $33,890.90
Georgia Barnett Received YTD: $1426.00
Georgia Barnett Goal: $1,500.00





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