Call to Worship - Ingrid Perilloux
Song - The Cup Was Not Removed
Proclamation of the Gospel - Joe Burkemper
Song - Praise to the Lord
Song - He Will Hold Me Fast
Prayer of Thanksgiving/Offering - Lane Perilloux
Song - Amazing Grace
Sermon - Asah Hudgins
Lord’s Supper Song - Cornerstone
Lord’s Supper - Asah Hudgins
Response Song - Lord, I Need You
Prayer Of Supplication - Bryan McMorris
Sending/Blessing - Patrick Strahan

Sermon Information
Title: Hope in God
Scripture Reference: Psalm 42-43
Speaker: Asah Hudgins
There will be a finance meeting after church on May 5th.
Please be sure to sign up for teams using the link below if you'd like to participate. The deadline to sign up will be Wednesday May 1st.
There will be a youth camp parent meeting on May the 15th from 5:30-7:30 at the church. This will be a time to pay final balances, prep for packing, and complete waivers. For any additional information, contact Bryan McMorris. 
Join us for a night of prayer on Sunday, May 26th from 5:00-6:00 pm at Crossroads Church. For any additional information, you can contact Lisa Martinez.
For more information and to sign up to volunteer see the link below.
Week 18. Week 19.


We appreciate your continued giving. There are 3 ways that you can give:
In person on Sundays, you can place your offering in the basket as its passed to you.
By mail: P.O. Box 1338 Hammond, LA 70404
Give online to the general or building fund.


April Budget: $34,166.67
April Giving Received: $39,240.61
Annual Budget $410,000.00
April YTD Budget: $136,666.68
Gifts Received YTD:  $141,403.40





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